Nieuw-Guinea Kroniek 17: Expeditie naar het Sterrengebergte, deel 1
New Guinea Chronicle 17: Expedition to the Star Mountains, part 1
Information film about an expedition, which plans to climb the Juliana Peak (Puncak Mandala) in the Star Mountains, and has got a medical and scientific task besides. Near the camp in the Sibil Valley equipment is brought up by helicopters and a Dakota plane, after which the group moves into the jungle, on their way to the central mountains. En route contact is made with the population, who gets medical treatment against yaws. Other members of the expedition occupy themselves with cartography and soil research. Biologists collect and label dead animals and plant samples. A Kroonduif aircraft (KNGLM) provides the expedition with post, money and food, and amongst other things takes back animal samples.
Description (source: www.beeldengeluid.nl): 00.31 Image: New Guinea map, on which zooming in onto a white circle the Star Mountains in the central mountain range. On relief map the route to be followed from Sibil to the Antares Peak, 30 km long blown up. 00.52 Air pictures of deep valleys and ravines and of the base-camp in the Sibil valley and the broad Sibil River. 01.14 Bell Augusta helicopter circles about and (as seen from the cockpit), approaches landing site, where the machine (as filmed from the ground), lands on wooden platform. Close-up of Papuans looking on. 01.37 Pilot in orange flier overall, turns switch on the dashboard, tail rotor and rotor blades come to a standstill. 01.41 Expedition leader speaks with Hollandia (Jayapura) with telecommunication set. C-47 of the MLD skims low over the camp, drops sacks which are recovered by the expedition members, taking them to the camp alongside the pilot and his helicopter. 02.01 Deliberation amongst the scientists and checking the route on the map. 02.07 The supplies packed in jute sacks and plastic boxes are put onto the helicopter stretcher, the pilot climbs into the perspex dome, buckles up, looks at the wind-sock, starts the rotor engine, after which the chopper rises vertically, flying away, silhouetted against the cloudy background. 02.36 Geologist takes ground sample with ground drill, which he scrapes off and crumbles. 02.51 He compares colour of sample with colour-card. 02.57 Anthropologist measures the height of one of the Sibil people using a slide gauge, and compares the colour of the eyes with a colour-card, while colleague jots down the data. 03.24 Ethnologist, sitting amidst group of Papuans asks data about their ways of life. Inhabitant splices young straight wood with sharp stone axe, proudly posing with it. 03.42 Doctor examines Papua for yaws, after which his assistant gives the man a penicillin injection with long lasting effect in his buttocks. 04.10 Doctor takes blood sample from Papua from his finger top, disinfecting the finger, inflicting a little jab, squeezing out drops of blood into little bottles, shaking them immediately. 04.38 Bottle with conservation liquid is shaken well, and then the blood sample is diluted in a little bottle. The liquid is sucked up with a pipette and distributed over other bottles. 04.55 Marine designer gets the proposed route on the map indicated. Expedition leader operates transceiver. 05.06 Marine plots the course on a blank map. 05.14 Papuan bearers get a last check, after which they get with their loads onto their feet with difficulty. The leaders of this group take leave of their colleagues. 05.26 Group which goes back to Hollandia on foot leaves base-camp, the leader in front, the armed policemen and lastly the bearers. 05.34 Those that stay on their way to the Star Mountains make a halt near a village. 05.50 Log-fire with food pan over it, surrounded by villagers. 06.02 Papua receives parang (chopping knife) in exchange for young tree kangaroo, which is put into improvised cage, on which a label with Dutch and Latin name and feeding embargo. 06.37 Dead birds in paper rings on which particulars have been noted down. 06.43 Dead bird is labelled, expedition member shows dead bird to Papuan youngsters, after which nipper gets a cookie. 06.55 De birds are wrapped in a piece of newspaper one by one, and then put into a cardboard box for dispatch to Holland. 07.02 The nipper seeks safety with his mother. Papua studies Dutch paper and Papuans are feasting upon Dutch foodstuff. 07.20 Accountant counts down brand-new banknotes, a bearer from the coast puts his signature for receipt and gets an envelope, and a second bearer puts his thumb print. 07.44 Papua pulls the beard from Dutch expedition member to test the authenticity. 07.51 Twin-engined aircraft of the Royal New Guinea Airlines Company De Kroonduif lands on airstrip, where trunks and packets lie ready. 08.00 Machine rolls out and expedition members walk up to the cabin which is being unloaded immediately under great interest of Papuans standing aside. 08.23 One of the people who just arrived sorts the post on the ground. A member of the staff uses the wing as a table to complete a survey. 08.32 The port-side engine runs, the aircraft roars past on the runway. 08.42 Filmed from the aircraft: the little buildings dashing past as well as the gardens of the base-camp and the receding valley under the aircraft getting off. 08.50 8/10 clouds 'alto cumulus' seen from above. 09.12 End.
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Film type
Information film
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Thesaurus terms
Cultural origin » Papua » Central Highlands » Central Highlands east » Star Mountains » Sibil Valley
Geographical term » Papua » Division Hollandia » Explorationressort Eastern Highlands » Sibil Valley
Geographical term » Papua » Division Hollandia » Explorationressort Eastern Highlands » Sterrengebergte
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