Nieuw-Guinea Kroniek 18: Naar de sneeuwtoppen op de evenaar 2
New Guinea Chronicle 18
Second part of an information film about the medical and scientific expedition to the Star Mountains. Here the accent falls on the mountaineering. Helicopters bringing up supplies to an intermediate camp, from here the scientists with bearers are going through the jungle into the mountains. At night they are having a meal and are camping out near a mountain lake. Finally four mountaineers, including a sergeant of the marines, start climbing the snow-clad Juliana Peak (Puncak Mandala). They accomplish the expedition, planting the Dutch flag on the top.
Description (source: www.beeldengeluid.nl): 00.31 Relief map of New Guinea on which the route of the Sibil Bivouac to the Juliana Bivouac 1800 m high is being plotted in. 00.44 The camp surrounded by high mountains, where the Dutch flag waves. A sign with inscription 'Juliana Bivouac' fixed onto a tent-pole. 00.51 Bell Augusta helicopter descends on marked landing site, the cargo brought along is unloaded, the machine ascends immediately sideways and flies away. 01.28 Papuans walking on a bough bridge across a rushing river. 01.34 Close-ups of Papuans staring curiously at the white people. 01.43 The lanky hair of two Dutchmen is being fingered by the Papuans. 01.58 Papua has a look at head skin of fellow-resident. Photographer lets Papua look through view-finder of camera with telephoto-lens. 02.03 Anthropologist measures shoulder breadth and chest width of Papuan woman. 02.15 Expedition member gives an illustrated review to one of the Papuans sitting about, which is being viewed proudly. 02.30 Bearers of the vanguard walking to and fro with their burden awaiting departure. Relief map of New Guinea on which the route to be followed from the Juliana Bivouac to the bivouac right under the top is being plotted. 02.45 The vanguard team takes leave from those that stay behind, they zigzag across the ground of the bivouac, climbing the fence. 03.00 The two expedition members in front get across the bough bridge, and cut their way laboriously with bush knives through the dense under wood. 03.40 Bearer wading through rushing river full of boulders, they follow the river across the stones. 04.02 The front runners disappear in the darkness of the jungle. 04.07 Expedition member appears from the jungle followed by bearers. 04.15 Front runners stop for a moment or two on a spot, where a grand view unfolds. Navigator looks through compass sight at snow covered peak of the Antares Mountains, then the group goes on. 04.29 Team nears through the high grass alongside the mountain lake the tent encampment of the advanced post, where they are welcomed by two expedition members. 04.40 Images of the big silent lake at an altitude of 3250 m, where a couple of coots is swimming about. 04.59 Expedition members in conversation, while the warmly clad bearers are grouping around a camp fire. 05.04 Haze covers the camp and a blanket of mist hangs over the lake. 05.10 Expedition member hangs tent and mattress to dry. Toilet making consisting of hair combing and washing the face is done in the lake. 05.19 Four bearers are eating rice with spoons from a plate or feeding tin. Feeding tin is cleaned in the lake where the coots are floating. 05.30 The four expedition members are studying the air pictures of the penultimate stretch. Snow covered mountain top, the expedition's final goal. 05.44 Sergeant of the marines and the other three members of the vanguard buckle on their rucksacks and leave the camp with the bearers. 06.03 The four of them go over the rocky slope. They step around, over and on boulders and arrive at threesome little tents put up in hollow of the alpine camp. The bearers follow soon, filmed by expedition member with 8 mm film camera with interchangeable objectives. 06.39 Marine prepares pan of pea-soup, water is poured out of a tin into a bowl, and then the four of them relish the food from the mess tins. 06.54 White snow-covered Juliana Peak in the distance. 06.57 The four of them put on their vivid-yellow parka's, wind- and water-tight, they pack their climbing irons and bundles of ropes into their rucksacks, buckle them on, put on their snow-goggles, take up their pick axes and leave the alpine bivouac. 07.19 They climb a steep mountain slope, slowly going upwards across a piece of rocky ground sloping upwards, they carefully seek their way against an almost vertical mountain wall. 08.08 They walk through spots of snow from the glacier, climb in single file across rock formations, and descend a bit into a shallow valley and across an open track. 08.40 They make a halt to rest, to take pictures, to orient themselves and to apply sun-burn lotion onto their faces. 08.52 Low hanging clouds and fog-banks coming on. 08.56 In the shelter of a narrow mountain crack one of them buckles on the pointed climbing irons under the shoes, then a last check-up. 09.07 With a mountaineer pickaxe steps are cut in the hard snow sheet by the most experienced member of the group, in which they all put their feet, roped together. Mountaineer shoes make footsteps in the snow. 09.25 The four of them in single file slowly going and using the pickaxe as a staff. 09.43 Shoes with climbing irons. A climber wrapped in parka. 09.49 The four of them have reached the summit. They take their cameras, and bind the Dutch flag to a pole, planted into the snow, waving in the strong wind. 10.10 The flag is photographed with a Rolleiflex camera. 10.30 End.
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Information film
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Geographical term » Papua » Division Hollandia » Explorationressort Eastern Highlands » Sibil Valley
Geographical term » Papua » Division Hollandia » Explorationressort Eastern Highlands » Sterrengebergte
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